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Client wanted to portray a new modern look for a martial arts training facility. Modern Warrior was born.
When it comes to managing your brand, or creating one that stands apart from the other, give us a call at 281.419.4471 to setup a FREE consultation to evaluate what PR Marketing & Publishing can offer your business.
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Your LOGO is your first chance to make an impression on a potential customer. It represents your company's look in a highly competitive market where image is everything.
Collateral pieces are perfect for establishing a graphic foundation for all of your marketing efforts. It unifies graphic communication for a marketing impact. It will help get your company to stand out.
Your BUSINESS CARDS are your handshakes to the public. It is vital piece of your marketing arsenal. At PR Marketing & Publishing we use a combination of visually esthetic design and techniques, creative photography and bold ideas to ensure your card won't go unnoticed.